ILikeMyStyle is a social network that connects people who love fashion. A community open to everybody.
ILikeMyStyle Quarterly is the first user-generated fashion-magazine, a blog that branched out into a printed magazine - rather than the other way around...
The team behind ILikeMyStyle Quarterly include Adriano Sack, who has written for Tempo, Der Spiegel, Die Woche, Welt am Sonntag, Vanity Fair, Monopol and AD; editor-in-chief Eva Munz, who is a contributor to such publications as Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 032c, Vice, Bidoun, Monopol and Sleek; and co-founder and art director of the quarterly Judith Banham, who has collaborated on award-winning magazines such as BMW Magazine, Der Freund, AD and Maxim Fashion. Art director Alex Wiederin is creative director of the design agency Buero New York, whose clients include Yves St. Laurent, Givenchy, Lanvin and Vogue Hommes International.
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